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Week 4

This week we didn't manage to have class on Tuesday, so I'll report what I managed to do on Thursday (outside of regular class hours).

I manage to print 2 batches of objects. The first one was printed by using the "second printer", which is known to be faulty sometimes. I decided to try and raise the temperature of the nozzle to 190°C (instead of the usual 180°C), but the objects ended up warping a few minutes before the end of the print and the result was therefore not satisfying.

Best config for PHA

PHA filament is suggested to be printed with a temperature of 190°C-200°C for the nozzle and no plate heating. However, after some tries during the first weeks we found out that - under normal circumstances - 180°C gives the best results as the PHA filament is less incline to warp, even with thicker prints.

After this first batch, I decided to print the second batch with the old slicer settings. In order to speed up time, I also created a 3D slice with both my models and Sonny's ones so that we did not lose time re-heating the nozzle and loading a new file.

This print gave far better result. As you can see from the image, I started printing numbers on top of my "medallions", and I also started printing new shapes. The idea is to create some kind of calendar, where people can append their upcoming events after the corresponding number of the day. When the day changes, the user just has to remove the top medallion (the one of the last day that has passed) and append it to the end of the "medallion chain". I realized that 31 medallions (+ event medallions) might become too long, so I am thinking about only keeping 7 days (a week) or to design a new structure able to distribute days among more chains.